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Wake Forest
University Press

Wake Forest University Press

Dedicated to Irish Poetry

Tagged: “Irish Times Poetry Now Award”

“A Deep Ocean One Can Plunge Into”: An Interview with Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s newest book The Mother House was published in the US this April, and it has been gaining praise across the board, including being chosen for the Irish Times Poetry Now Award. Despite finishing out the semester at home, WFU Press intern Emelyn Hatch conducted an interview with the poet via email to dig deeper into this shining collection.

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Leontia Flynn wins Irish Times Poetry Now Award

This morning it was announced that Leontia Flynn has won the Irish Times Poetry Now Award for her newest volume, The Radio. From the Irish Times announcement: In making their choice, the judges noted “the variance and voracious excellence of new Irish poetry, in books which experimented with long poems, prose poems, biography and translation….

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Fingers Crossed for Harry Clifton!

Fingers Crossed for Harry Clifton!

We’re delighted that Harry Clifton has been nominated for the Irish Times Poetry Now Award for 2013.   Clifton is nominated for The Winter Sleep of Captain Lemass; he previously won this most prestigious award in 2008 for Secular Eden. Winners will be announced on Sept 7.  Stay tuned for the results! –Megan Latta

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Michael Longley to Read at Cúirt International Festival of Literature

Michael Longley to Read at Cúirt International Festival of Literature

WFUP’s esteemed poet, Michael Longley, will be reading selections of his work on the opening night of the Cúirt International Festival of Literature.   Longley’s most recent publication A Hundred Doors won the 2011 Irish Times Poetry Now Award, and he is also the recipient of the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry, the Hawthornden Prize and the T.S. Eliot Prize,…

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